Le Manuel de l’Apprenti - Leçon 1 + Leçon 2

dimanche 5 mai 2013

Welcome to the first Gathering around the Pond!

Even if only an illusion......

Welcome to the first Gathering around the Pond!

Dear, shining family!

My heart is overflowing today, the joy is just pouring out of me! What a transformation we are witness to! This Pond, this cauldron of love as the CCs called it in a message to me this morning, this space has become something so powerful and beautiful and important, and the reason it has grown into this beautiful flower of light, is the love and nourishment you have all added to it. For now, it is literally a place of vibrating love, and the ripples from this Pond is flowing outwards and into the web that is encircling our whole globe. People from all over the world have visited this Pond, and today, many of you will be taking part in this Gathering that will bring us even closer together. I have made a screensave from the statistics map showing all of the countries that have been linked to this page at one time or another by a visitor, and as you can see, this is truly a world wide endeavor.

According to this map, people from 163 countries have time visited this Pond at least once. Most of them come from the US (red), UK, Canada and Australia (orange). White means that there have not been any visitors from that country to this blog.
According to this map, people from 163 countries have time visited this Pond at least once. Most of them come from the US (red), UK, Canada and Australia (orange). White means that there have not been any visitors from that country.

According to this map, people from 163 countries have time visited this Pond at least once. Most of them come from the US (red), UK, Canada and Australia (orange). White means that there have not been any visitors from that country.

Of course, not all of those persons who have at one time visited this blog will be coming to the Gathering today, but I know that they will all in some way be present anyway. For they have all left a small fraction of their light here, like a footprint, and this light will also be activated by the intent we all bring to this ceremony today. For I like to call it a ceremony, or maybe celebration will be a better word for it. For we are truly celebrating ourselves, all of the hard work we have done so far, and also the glorious world we will be creating just by the very fact that we are living and breathing and connecting in this space and on this planet today.

Dear friends, I welcome you all, and I am so proud and so honored to be allowed to say to each and every one of you: thank you so much for being a part of this. For without you, this world would not be going through the changes we see and feel around us every day. For you have said YES to being a part of this momentous day and this momentous journey, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. For today, we will each of us sit down and gather in a circle around this Pond of pristine light, and as we focus our gaze on the surface of this Pond, we will see this light being reflected in hundreds, no, thousands of other hearts, and all of these single beams of love and light will connect and fuse together into a beam of such clarity and intensity it will burn through any old density still left.

And we will do all of this by the very fact that we have all dared to open our hearts to each other, but most of all, we have dared to open our hearts to ourselves. For without having the courage to go all the way inside, to the very bottom of our soul, we would not be able to shine as strongly as we do today. So I thank you, and the CCs have told me that I must do this on behalf of All of creation. For what you have done, is not only for yourself, but for us all. So as we sit down in love today, know that you are doing so at the request of a power that is beyond anything we can fully comprehend now. For this power of love is only starting to percolate through us all, and the bliss we have felt so far, is only a small taste of the bliss our actions and our intent will bring not only to us, but also to this whole planet. For we are being the change we wished to see, and now, it has come to BE.

Thank you, my beloved family of light! For today, I will become one with you all, and it is a day I have dreamed of since before I came to be here on this planet.
In love, light and gratitude, Aisha

The time that have been chosen for this Gathering, is 21:00 my time (Oslo, Norway).

Remember, you do not need to connect at this exact time, the only thing you need to do to be a part of this, is to choose to focus your intention on this Gathering. As for the duration of this, I would suggest you sit for as long as feels right for you. Personally, I usually sit between 20 minutes and an hour, but as always, I will just follow my inner guidance. I think we will all have our own unique experience of this, and I hope many will want to share it afterwards.

Here are some examples of local time that corresponds with 21:00 Oslo time:

London: 20:00

Helsinki: 22:00

Sao Paulo: 04:00 PM

New York: 03:00 PM

El Paso: 01:00 PM

Los Angeles: 12:00 PM

Singapore: 03:00 AM monday

Tokyo: 04:00 AM monday

Sydney: 05:00 AM monday

You can find your local time here: http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/

Channel: Aisha North

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richard dolan


Please sign this Petition


Read more about it and sign it here:



Citizen Hearing on Disclosure



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D’anciens membres du Congrès vont faire une enquête sur des phénomènes extraterrestres

Comme le Mars Rover fait des progrès, recherchant la preuve de l'existence d'une vie extraterrestre sur la planète Mars, d'anciens membres du Congrès se sont annoncés pour participer à une audition sur la divulgation d'une présence extraterrestre, ici sur Terre et autour d’elle.

Les députées Darlene Hooley et Lynn Woolsey se joindront au sénateur Mike Gravel et aux députés Carolyn Kilpatrick et Merrill Cook pour écouter et interroger 40 chercheurs, militants et témoins de l’armée, d’agences et politiciens, apportant des preuves d'une présence extraterrestre dans notre monde d’aujourd'hui.


E.T. contact meditation

This video was designed specifically as a visualization tool to assist in vectoring Extraterrestrials and their Consciously guided craft's to your location. Reaching out far into the Universe and guiding the ETs smoothly to your precise location using intention and visualization. You can go through the sequence many times over if you wish, for a period of 10-20 minutes after you have reached a meditative state.

Let your mind rest on, and then follow the tones as you move freely into a transcendental state.